This question is pondered by every webmaster and/or domain owner at some point. The answer depends on your current planned and future needs even though they may not be known. These tips are designed to make choosing a web host productive & easier.
Determine your disk space & bandwidth requirements by looking at the current stats provided by your current webhost. Then consider how much disk space content you wish to add in the future consumes on your computer. The sum of which should be doubled to start. If your website are not currently hosted, media you intend to use on your website is likely on your device or available for download from the content creator so you can still determine disk space needs. A webhost plan with at least 1 GB disk space and 20GB bandwidth is generally a good starting point for new websites. This will provide enough space to build most websites, accommodate e-mail and transfer said content on new web sites.
Avoid unlimited disk space and bandwidth offers. This business model requires overselling & crowding of server to be profitable. The more people needed to make a server profitable the more users adversely affected every time something goes wrong. Naturally the more customers crowded onto a server the more chances there are for things to go wrong. Plus server load will be elevated more often than not slowing every site down. Remember there is no such thing as an unlimited hard drive.
Email prospective web host with any question/concern you may have. Then factor significance of response and time it took to get the same. Better webhosts will respond fastest with substantive answers most if not every time. Acknowledging receipt of your e-mail or ticket submission, while helpful is not a substantive response.
Do not choose a web host because you like or don't the site design. Your favorite color is not what you are looking for. You are looking for a competent, reliable, scalable, legible, coherent, functional, honest and responsive web host. Not a web site displaying your favorite color or matching your device wallpaper.
Read the Terms of Service (TOS), Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and any other published policy or ask for policies pertinent to your domain(s) or preference in your email.